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Mikumi National Park

Mikumi National Park abuts the northern border of Africa’s biggest game reserve – the Selous – and is transacted by the surfaced road between Dar es Salaam and Iringa. It is thus the most accessible part of a 75,000 square kilometre (47,000 square mile) tract of wilderness that stretches east almost as far as the Indian Ocean. The open horizons and abundant wildlife of the Mkata Floodplain, the popular centrepiece of Mikumi, draw frequent comparisons to the more famous Serengeti Plains. More than 400 bird species have been recorded, with such colourful common residents as the lilac-breasted roller, yellow-throated long claw and bateleur eagle joined by a host of European migrants during the rainy season.

Hippos are the star attraction of the pair of pools situated 5km north of the main entrance gate, supported by an ever-changing cast of water birds.

                    Best to know in Mikumi National Park

      .Fourth Largest National Park in Tanzania.

   .Shares boundary with Selous Game Reserve in the southw hich is transected by the main road from Dar es Salaam to Iringa.

    .Animals migrate between the Mikumi National Park and the Selous Game Reserve.

   .Lions, Buffaloes, Impalla, Gazelles,  Elephants, Giraffes can be found in the National park an hippoes and crocodiles in the rivers.

  .Over 400 bird species resident in this national park.

  .Mikumi is Tanzania’s fourth-largest national park. It’s also the most accessible from Dar es Salaam. With almost guaranteed wildlife sightings, it makes an ideal safari destination for those without much time.

  •   .Covers an area of about 3,230 sq km (1,250 sq miles).

     .Located 283 km (175 miles) west of Dar es Salaam, north of Selous, past Morogoro.

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